Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shower with a Bucket

Here in California we are constantly on the lookout for ways to conserve our water. My kids have always turned off the tap when brushing their teeth.  I now take this further and turn it off while washing my hands. In the shower I turn it off once I am wet and back on to rinse...a bit cold in the winter but worth it!

One thing I always keep in mind is to only use what you need. Rethink water usage.  Do you need to run the water full blast or will a trickle do? Adjust the flow and only use what you need...the extra just goes down the drain...

Don't wash the sidewalk or driveway, brooms work wonders for cleaning. Not only do you save water, but you get a work out too!

One of the biggest savers for me is to shower with a bucket.  Our water heater is on the opposite side of the house from my shower.  As not to waste that warm up water, I keep a bucket in my shower.  My bucket catches the warm up water that used to go down the drain. I save 5+ gallons every time I shower.  That water goes into my washing machine to be used on the next load of laundry. *Note, try this out but check your machine for rust. My parents leave their bucket near the washer as the standing water made the machine rust. Smaller buckets can also be used in sinks, just keep one under the sink. It makes me proud to carry that bucket to the washer!

Let me know your thoughts and what you do to save water!

~ Michelle