Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Easy to Be Green!

Kermit had it all wrong, it is easy to be green!

I am choosing to BE green rather than go green because I want to live in the moment.  In my life, I live by the boy scout motto and always try to do my best. My passion is taking care of our planet and environment. I want to do all I can to protect it.

This blog is a way to share easy ways to BE green.  My hope is that this will spark conversation and education on how we can all BE green. Do what you can each day; every single act makes a difference. Please remember this. Don't beat yourself up for what you can't or didn't do, celebrate what you did and try to do more. New habits take time, use baby steps and change just one habit. It will make a difference.

My motto is Renew, Reuse, and then Recycle when necessary. I shop at thrift stores and yard sales, borrow books and movies from the library, and always use my reusable shopping bags!  I have bunches in my trunk and a couple of them in my purse at all times. This habit took a while to get used to.  If you forget your bags, add them to your shopping list or put them on the front seat when going shopping.  I have even seen reminder signs in the parking lots of the grocery stores.

Let's do this together, we all can BE green!

